Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Herbs that Release the Exterior

Warm, pungent herbs that release the exterior:

Gui Zhi

Zi Su Ye

Jing Jie

Fang Feng

Sheng Jiang

Bai Zhi

Cang Er Zi

Go to Warm, Pungent Herbs that Release the Exterior

Cool, pungent herbs that release the exterior:

Bo He

Sang Ye

Ju Hua

Chai Hu

Sheng Ma

Ge Gen

Go to Cool, Pungent Herbs that Release the Exterior

Chapter 2: Herbs that Clear Heat

Herbs that drain fire:

Shi Gao

Jue Ming Zi

Xia Ku Cao

Zhi Mu

Zhi Zi

Go to Herbs that Drain Fire

Herbs that cool the blood:

Sheng Di Huang

Xuan Shen

Mu Dan Pi

Go to Herbs that Cool the Blood

Herbs that clear deficient heat:

Di Gu Pi

Qing Hao

Go to Herbs that Clear Deficient Heat

Herbs that clear heat and dry dampness:

Huang Qin

Huang Lian

Huang Bai

Go to Herbs that Clear Heat tne Dry Dampness

Herbs that clear heat and relieve toxicity:

Jin Yin Hua

Lian Qiao

Ban Lan Gen

Pu Gong Ying

Chuan Xin Lian

Bai Hua She She Cao

Go to Herbs that Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

Herbs that clear and relieve summerheat:

Bian Dou

Go to Herbs that Clear and Relieve Summerheat

Chapter 3: Downward Draining Herbs


Da Huang

Herbs that lubricate the intestine:

Huo Ma Ren

Go to Downward Draining Herbs

Chapter 4: Herbs that Drain Dampness

Herbs that drain dampness and reduce edema:

Fu Ling

Yi Yi Ren

Ze Xie

Herbs that promote diuresis and treat strangury:

Che Qian Zi

Bei Xie

Herbs that drain dampness and reduce jaundice:

Jin Qian Cao

Go to Herbs that Drain Dampness

Chapter 5: Herbs that Expel Wind Dampness

Warm herbs that expel wind cold dampness:

Du Huo

Neutral/cool herbs that expel wind heat dampness:

Qin Jiao

Herbs that strengthen the liver and kidney and expel wind dampness:

Wu Jia Pi

Go to Herbs that Expel Wind Dampness

Chapter 6: Herbs that Transform Phlegm and Stop Coughing

Cool herbs that transform phlegm-heat:

Qian Hu

Gua Lou

Zhe Bei Mu

Tian Hua Fen

Zhu Ru

Pang Da Hai

Go to Cool Herbs that Transform Phlegm-Heat

Warm herbs that transform phlegm-cold:

Ban Xia

Bai Qian

Bai Jie Zi

Jie Geng

Go to Warm Herbs that Transform Phlegm-Cold

Herbs that relieve coughing and wheezing:

Xing Ren

Pi Pa Ye

Zi Wan

Kuan Dong Hua

Bai Bu

Su Zi

Go to Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing

Chapter 7: Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness

Huo Xiang

Pei Lan

Hou Po

Cang Zhu

Sha Ren

Go to Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness

Chapter 8: Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation

Shan Zha

Mai Ya

Gu Ya

Shen Qu

Lai Fu Zi

Go to Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation

Chapter 9: Herbs that Regulate Qi

Chen Pi

Qing Pi

Zhi Shi

Zhi Ke

Xiang Fu

Mu Xiang

Chuan Lian Zi

Wu Yao

Go to Herbs that Regulate Qi

Chapter 10: Herbs that Stop Bleeding and Regulate Blood

Herbs that cool the blood and stop bleeding:

Bai Mao Gen

Huai Hua

Herbs that stop bleeding and remove blood stasis:

San Qi

Qian Cao Gen

Pu Huang

Herbs that astringe and stop bleeding:

Xian He Cao

Herbs that warm the meridian and stop bleeding:

Ai Ye

Go go Herbs that Stop Bleeding

Herbs that invigorate blood and qi, and stop pain:

Ji Xue Teng

Chuan Xiong

Yan Hu Suo

Jiang Huang

Ru Xiang

Mo Yao

Go to Herbs that Invigorate Blood and Qi, and Stop Pain

Herbs that invigorate blood and regulate menstruation:

Dan Shen

Hong Hua

Tao Ren

Yi Mu Cao

Huai Niu Xi

Chuan Niu Xi

Chi Shao Yao

Go to Herbs that Invigorate Blood and Regulate Menstruation

Herbs that warm the interior and expel cold:

Fu Zi

Gan Jiang

Rou Gui

Wu Zhu Yu

Go to Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold

Chapter 12: Herbs that Tonify

Herbs that tonify qi:

Ren Shen

Xi Yang Shen

Dang Shen

Tai Zi Shen

Huang Qi

Shan Yao

Bai Zhu

Da Zao

Gan Cao

Huang Jing

Jiao Gu Lan

Go to Herbs that Tonify Qi

Herbs that tonify the blood:

Shu Di Huang

He Shou Wu (Shou Wu Teng)

Dang Gui

Long Yan Rou

Bai Shao Yao

Gou Qi Zi

Sang Shen

Go to Herbs that Tonify the Blood

Herbs that tonify yang:

Rou Cong Rong

Bu Gu Zhi

Tu Si Zi

Du Zhong

Xu Duan

Yin Yang Huo

Ba Ji Tian

Go to Herbs that Tonify Yang

Herbs that tonify yin:

Sha Shen

Tian Men Dong

Mai Men Dong

Sang Ji Sheng

Bai He

Han Lian Cao

Nu Zhen Zi

Go to Herbs that Tonify Yin

Chapter 13: Herbs that Stabilize and Bind

Herbs that astringe essence, restrain urine, and clear leucorrhea:

Shan Zhu Yu

Lian Zi

Qian Shi

Jin Ying Zi

Hai Piao Xiao

Sang Piao Xiao

Go to Herbs that Astringe Essence, Restrain Urine, and Clear Leucorrhea

Herbs that astringe the lung and large intestine:

Wu Wei Zi

Bai Guo

Go to Herbs that Astringe the Lung and Large Intestine

Herbs that stop sweating:

Fu Xiao Mai

Ma Huang Gen

Go to Herbs that Stop Sweating

Chapter 14: Herbs that Calm the Shen

Zhen Zhu

Hu Po

Mu Li

Zhen Zhu Mu

Suan Zao Ren

Bai Zi Ren

Ling Zhi

Ye Jiao Teng

Yuan Zhi

Go to Herbs that Calm the Shen

Chapter 15: Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices

Bing Pian

Shi Chang Pu

Go to Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices

Chapter 16: Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors

Gou Teng

Tian Ma

Shi Jue Ming

Di Long

Go to Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors